

Tree Census

  • Tree Census Software

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According to the Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservation of Trees Act, 1975 (amendments done in 2009, Hon Court Order 2013), Census of existing trees on all lands within Municipal Corporation limit should be done in every five year. Trees census is a critical job which requires specialized manpower in the field of botany with knowledge of trees. There are limitations with the staff, duration and the scientific knowledge required for survey.

It is observed that most of the municipal corporations have done their Tree census with inordinate delay due to lack of appropriate knowledge and without aid of modern technology.

To overcome the limitations during tree census we are launching user friendly android based Tree Census Software. Tree Census Survey Software runs on general table PC having inbuilt GPS facility which makes the results more accurate. This GIS & GPS based paperless exercise involves physical survey according of individual trees in the defined area with relevant details such as latitude, botanical name, common name, approx age, height, girth etc.

This application can be used by the Municipal Corporation, Researchers, Forest Department, and Environmental Department etc. to carry Individual or Government survey.

Fire Alert

  • Fire Alert Application

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Fire Alert management System, will allow security against Fire, Only Registered Society, Organisation and its client or Customer will Alert from his Fire alert box fixed in his Society or Organisation, also form his Registered Android mobile with the help of Fire Alert Android Application. After Fire Alert it will directly show fired Location on Customized Fire Alert Management Google Map and Fire Brigade Department will take action and will reach the point with the help of Google Map.

Bill Post

  • Bill Post Application

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Registered Applicant will be able to Pay Online using Bill Post Android application.

Order of Rice Export

  • Order of Rice Export

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This application is easy to use. This application is useful to check the report about rice export license registration status and rice export license pending status.

Daily Reporting

  • Daily Reporting

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Daily Organisational reporting by using Reporting Android Application



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UP MANDI Android Application will help to Every Mandi Parishad in UP to know Daily commodity Rate as per Each Mandi Parishad, also it will help to Farmer as well as Mandi Agent to update every day Commodity rate, This Android application will Easy to use and Free of cost.

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